Signs that You Need to Hire a Washing Machine Repair Service

Machine Repai

Washing machines can last for anywhere between eight and 12 years, especially if they’re maintained well. Annual servicing and regular cleaning to remove limescale build-up and lint can also extend its lifespan considerably. However, the appliance does need repairs every once in a while. If you notice any issues with the performance, call a washing machine repair service immediately. Delaying repairs will only cause long-term damage to the appliance and force you to replace it faster. Here’s a look at some of the most common issues you can face:

1. Water Leakage 

Washing machines are designed to keep all of the water contained inside. Front-loading machines have a sturdy gasket around the door that forms a tight seal. The design of top-loading machines prevents any kind of leakage. If you notice any pooling under the appliance or see signs of rust, call a washing machine repair service to fix the issue. Some of the most common reasons for water leakage include:

  • Leaking hoses
  • Leaks from the detergent drawer 
  • Drain pump leaks 
  • Front-loading door leaks

These are just some of the reasons why you may have leakage under the washing machine. A trained technician will carefully assess the appliance and recommend effective repairs. 

2. Machine Doesn’t Spin 

The spin motion cleans and dries your clothes. If the machine doesn’t spin, it is a sign of a serious internal issue. The first step is to check whether the appliance is properly connected to the power supply board. If the supply is connected, you may be facing one of the issues mentioned below:

  • Load imbalance 
  • Pressure switch issues
  • Malfunctioning door in front-load machines
  • Blocked outlet pipes 
  • Blackened fuse
  • Motor issues

Call a washing machine repair service if your machine doesn’t spin. They will take the time to understand the root cause of the issue and fix it. 

3. Doesn’t Drain Well 

Washing machines should not have any standing water when they’re switched off. Standing water inside the drum is a sign of poor drainage and will compromise the appliance’s efficiency. Here’s a look at some of the most common reasons why you may face this issue:

  • The drain pump is damaged, disconnected or clogged.
  • Hoses are damaged or clogged.
  • There’s a foreign object stuck inside the machine. 
  • You have used too much detergent.

Thorough cleaning and maintenance are usually enough to fix drainage issues. A qualified technician will be able to identify any underlying issues and fix them as well. It is a good idea to call a washing machine repair service to address standing water problems fully. 

4. Door Doesn’t Option 

This problem can pop up in front-loading machines. Their doors have a sophisticated locking mechanism to keep all of the water and clothes in during a wash cycle. If the locking mechanism is damaged in any way, it can cause problems during the wash. Here’s a look at some reasons why your machine door won’t open:

  • The water hasn’t drained completely from the machine drum. 
  • The machine door handle is broken.
  • The thermal lock system of the machine is damaged. 
  • The entire locking mechanism is damaged. 

Check the drains for any clogs and look at the locking system carefully. If you notice any clogs or damage, call a washing machine repair service for repairs. They will clear the drains, replace the handle, or fix the locking mechanism. 

5. Filter Issues 

A washing machine’s filter cleans all of the debris from the water and ensures the wash cycle is efficient. You need to clean out the filter regularly to ensure the appliance works well. The signs of filter issues include:

  • Excessive lint on washed clothes. 
  • Strange musty odors from freshly washed clothes. 
  • The machine takes more than 2-3 minutes to drain.

The washing machine’s user manual will provide a detailed guideline on how to remove and clean the filter. If your lint filter is damaged or doesn’t come loose, contact a washing machine repair service for assistance. 

6. Bounces or Moves Around 

Washing machines should be installed properly and stay in the same place during a cycle. If they’re not anchored properly, they will move around or bounce during a wash cycle. An experienced technician will know how to properly balance the appliance and ensure it doesn’t move around too much. They will also make sure your washing machine is properly anchored to the ground with shock absorbers. The machine will move around if these shock absorbers are disconnected from the machine chassis. 

If your washing machine starts developing problems more frequently, consult with the washing machine repair service technician on the matter. Repair costs shouldn’t exceed 20-30% of the cost of a replacement. An experienced professional will assess the machine and let you know if it needs repairs or replacements. 


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