The Delicious and Traditional Colombian Dish: Receta Ajiaco


Colombian cuisine is known for its rich and diverse flavors, and one dish that perfectly embodies this is the receta ajiaco. Ajiaco is a traditional Colombian soup that is not only delicious but also holds cultural significance. In this article, we will explore the history, ingredients, preparation, and variations of this mouthwatering dish.

The History of Ajiaco

Ajiaco has deep roots in Colombian history and is believed to have originated from the indigenous people of the region. The dish has evolved over time, incorporating ingredients and techniques from different cultures that have influenced Colombian cuisine.

The word “ajiaco” comes from the indigenous Quechua language, meaning “potato stew.” Potatoes are a staple ingredient in ajiaco and were cultivated by the indigenous people long before the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors.

During the colonial period, African slaves brought by the Spanish also contributed to the development of ajiaco. They introduced ingredients such as corn and guascas, a native herb that gives ajiaco its distinctive flavor.

The Ingredients of Ajiaco

Ajiaco is a hearty soup that combines various ingredients to create a harmonious blend of flavors. The key ingredients of ajiaco include:

  • Potatoes: Ajiaco typically uses three different types of potatoes – criolla, sabanera, and pastusa. These potatoes have different textures and flavors, adding depth to the dish.
  • Chicken: Ajiaco is traditionally made with chicken, which is simmered to create a flavorful broth.
  • Corn: Corn is an essential ingredient in ajiaco and is usually added whole or cut into chunks.
  • Guascas: Guascas is a native herb that gives ajiaco its distinct taste. It has a slightly citrusy and earthy flavor.
  • Other vegetables: Ajiaco often includes other vegetables such as onions, garlic, and carrots to enhance the flavor and nutritional value of the dish.
  • Condiments: Ajiaco is typically served with condiments such as capers, avocado, and sour cream. These toppings add a burst of freshness and creaminess to the soup.

Preparing Ajiaco

Preparing ajiaco requires time and attention to detail to ensure that all the flavors meld together perfectly. Here is a step-by-step guide to making ajiaco:

  1. Start by boiling the chicken in a large pot with water, onions, garlic, and salt. This will create a flavorful broth.
  2. Once the chicken is cooked, remove it from the pot and shred the meat. Set it aside for later.
  3. Add the different types of potatoes to the pot and let them cook until they are tender.
  4. Remove the cooked potatoes from the pot and mash some of them to thicken the soup.
  5. Return the mashed potatoes to the pot and add the shredded chicken, corn, guascas, and other vegetables.
  6. Simmer the soup for about 30 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.
  7. Serve the ajiaco hot, garnished with capers, avocado slices, and a dollop of sour cream.

Variations of Ajiaco

While the traditional ajiaco recipe remains popular, there are also regional variations of the dish that incorporate local ingredients and flavors. Some of the notable variations include:

  • Ajiaco Santafereño: This is the most well-known variation of ajiaco and is named after the capital city, Bogotá. It includes additional ingredients such as peas and carrots.
  • Ajiaco Valluno: This variation is popular in the Valle del Cauca region and includes ingredients like yuca and plantains.
  • Ajiaco Costeño: Hailing from the coastal regions of Colombia, this variation includes seafood such as fish or shrimp, giving it a unique twist.


1. Can I make a vegetarian version of ajiaco?

Yes, you can make a vegetarian version of ajiaco by omitting the chicken and using vegetable broth instead. You can also add more vegetables like zucchini or bell peppers to enhance the flavor.

2. Can I freeze ajiaco?

Ajiaco can be frozen, but it is best to freeze it without the toppings. When reheating, make sure to add fresh toppings to enhance the flavors.

3. Is ajiaco a healthy dish?

Ajiaco is a nutritious dish as it contains a variety of vegetables and lean protein from the chicken. However, the toppings like sour cream and avocado should be consumed in moderation.

4. Can I use dried guascas instead of fresh?

While fresh guascas are preferred for their flavor, you can use dried guascas if fresh ones are not available. Just remember to adjust the quantity as dried guascas have a more concentrated flavor.

5. Can I make ajiaco in a slow cooker?

Yes, you can make ajiaco in a slow cooker. Simply follow the same steps but adjust the cooking time accordingly. Cooking on low heat for 6-8 hours should yield delicious results.


Ajiaco is a delicious and traditional Colombian dish that showcases the country’s culinary heritage. With its rich flavors and diverse ingredients, ajiaco is a must-try for anyone looking to explore Colombian cuisine. Whether you stick to the classic recipe or try out regional variations, ajiaco is sure to delight your taste buds and provide a comforting and satisfying meal.


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