Summary of “A Letter to God”


“A Letter to God” is a short story written by Gregorio Lopez y Fuentes. It revolves around the theme of faith and the power of belief. The story follows the journey of a poor farmer named Lencho who writes a letter to God seeking financial help after his crops are destroyed by a hailstorm. This article provides a comprehensive summary of the story, highlighting its key elements and exploring the deeper meanings behind them.

The Plot

The story begins with Lencho, a hardworking farmer who relies on his crops for survival. One day, a devastating hailstorm destroys his entire harvest, leaving him and his family in a dire situation. Despite the setback, Lencho remains optimistic and decides to write a letter to God, asking for a hundred pesos to help him recover.

Lencho’s faith in God is unwavering, and he believes that his letter will be answered. He addresses the letter to God and entrusts it to the postmaster in his village. The postmaster, amused by Lencho’s innocence, shares the letter with his colleagues, who are equally entertained by the farmer’s unwavering faith.

Curiosity gets the better of the postmaster, and he decides to respond to Lencho’s letter. He collects money from his colleagues and sends it to Lencho, hoping to maintain the farmer’s faith in God. However, instead of being grateful, Lencho is disappointed when he receives the money. He believes that God has not answered his prayer and that someone has stolen a portion of the money.

Lencho decides to write another letter to God, expressing his disappointment and accusing Him of being unjust. In this second letter, he asks God to send him the remaining money directly, as he no longer trusts the post office. Lencho’s faith is unshaken, and he firmly believes that God will answer his plea.

The postmaster, moved by Lencho’s unwavering faith, decides to help him once again. He collects money from his colleagues and sends it to Lencho, this time anonymously. When Lencho receives the money, he is overjoyed and expresses his gratitude to God for answering his prayers.

Themes and Symbolism

“A Letter to God” explores several themes, including faith, the power of belief, and the concept of divine intervention. The story highlights the importance of having faith in difficult times and the impact it can have on one’s perception of the world.

Lencho’s unwavering faith in God is a central theme in the story. Despite facing adversity, he remains hopeful and believes that God will provide for him. His faith is so strong that he is convinced that his letter will reach God and that his prayers will be answered. This unwavering belief is contrasted with the skepticism of the postmaster and his colleagues, who find Lencho’s faith amusing.

The story also explores the concept of divine intervention. Lencho’s belief in God’s direct involvement in his life is evident in his letters. He sees the hailstorm as a test from God and believes that God will help him overcome this challenge. The anonymous donation of money further reinforces the idea of divine intervention, as Lencho sees it as a direct response to his prayers.

Symbolism is also used throughout the story to convey deeper meanings. The hailstorm can be seen as a symbol of the challenges and hardships that people face in life. Lencho’s crops being destroyed represent the destruction of his hopes and dreams. However, his unwavering faith and the subsequent donation of money symbolize resilience and the power of belief in overcoming adversity.

Key Takeaways

  • Having faith in difficult times can provide hope and strength.
  • Belief in divine intervention can shape one’s perception of the world.
  • Unwavering faith can lead to unexpected blessings.
  • Challenges and hardships can be seen as opportunities for growth.
  • Symbolism can be used to convey deeper meanings in a story.


1. What is the main theme of “A Letter to God”?

The main theme of “A Letter to God” is faith and the power of belief. The story explores the unwavering faith of a poor farmer named Lencho and how it shapes his perception of the world.

2. How does Lencho’s faith in God impact the story?

Lencho’s faith in God is a driving force in the story. Despite facing adversity, he remains hopeful and believes that God will provide for him. His faith influences his actions and ultimately leads to a positive outcome.

3. What does the hailstorm symbolize in the story?

The hailstorm can be seen as a symbol of the challenges and hardships that people face in life. It represents the destruction of Lencho’s hopes and dreams, setting the stage for his unwavering faith and subsequent blessings.

4. How does the postmaster’s response to Lencho’s letter impact the story?

The postmaster’s response to Lencho’s letter highlights the contrast between skepticism and faith. Initially amused by Lencho’s innocence, the postmaster is moved by his unwavering belief and decides to help him, ultimately reinforcing the power of faith.

5. What is the significance of the anonymous donation of money?

The anonymous donation of money symbolizes divine intervention and the direct response to Lencho’s prayers. It reinforces the idea that faith can lead to unexpected blessings and that God works in mysterious ways.

6. How does “A Letter to God” convey its themes?

“A Letter to God” conveys its themes through the story’s plot, character development, and the use of symbolism. The unwavering faith of Lencho, the challenges he faces, and the subsequent blessings he receives all contribute to the exploration of faith and belief.

7. What can readers learn from “A Letter to God”?

Readers can learn the importance of having faith in difficult times and the impact it can have on one’s perception of the world. The story also emphasizes the resilience and strength that can be gained through unwavering belief.

8. How does “A Letter to God” relate to real-life experiences?

“A Letter to God” reflects the experiences of individuals who face adversity and rely on their faith to overcome challenges. The story resonates with anyone who has experienced hardships and found solace in their beliefs.


“A Letter to God” is a powerful story that explores the themes of faith, belief, and divine intervention. Through the journey of Lencho, the story highlights the importance of having unwavering faith in difficult times and the impact


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