What Are the Differences Between a Website Graphic Freelancer and a Graphic Design Firm?


Let’s face it, in today’s scenario of stiff global competition; all businesses need to be online to become more accessible to their potential customers. Having an effective web presence is of the utmost importance for any organization. It reflects your brand promise and speaks to your target audience in a targeted manner. Your website leaves the first impression of your organization on the mind of potential customers. So he has to be creative, strategic, and very effective.

If you want to design your business website yourself, you need to have a thorough knowledge of what online graphic design is, programs that are useful for developing an effective and functional website, etc. However, the work of designing a website can be very tedious. You should therefore entrust this responsibility to someone more professional.

There are a number of companies and freelancers who offer web design services. Let’s take a look at the potential pros and cons when it comes to working with an individual as assumed for a business.

The pros and cons of working with a freelance:

1) Price: Provided you like its portfolio of past work, a major plus will likely be the price. A freelance writer doesn’t have the same type of overhead costs as a business and can pass the savings on to you.

2) Project management: A person may not have the ability or the ability to properly project the management of the entire design and production process. Project management is a major component of the website design process.

3) Time-sensitive deliverables: This is a difficult point to compare. Depending on the amount of work, a freelance writer may be able to give you as much attention as you want and deliver the product on time. And even react to your questions in a timely manner because you could be his main project at that time. However, if they are busy, be careful; your project may start to slip.

The pros and cons of working with a graphic design company:

1) Resources: a graphic design company will have more resources – designers, project managers, programmers, etc. – to use for your project. But of course, all of this comes with a higher price tag.

2) Talent: A graphic design company will, by default, have more work experience and a larger portfolio of jobs to choose from. They will be able to meet the design needs of different sectors.

3) Project management: A company with different departments (design; project management; programming; customer takeover) will be able to keep you updated on the schedule to make sure everything is going well. Again, most of the time, this comes with a higher price tag.

Do your research when it comes to making a decision between a freelance writer and a business. Browse individual backgrounds, customer reviews, and reviews. Ask for references. This will allow you to make sure which choice is right for you. A good designer for your website will be the one who gives you considerable business attention.

After you’ve selected a few freelancers and design firms, talk to them about the following details:

  • Do they have a pre-established planning process that leads to the design phase?
  • Do they have a website planning guide?
  • Find out what they know about internet marketing and search engine optimization to make sure the website they are designing meets your broader marketing goals.
  • Discuss what content and features you need and ask them to provide you with a website design cost estimate.
  • Find out what programming they will use to design your website. This will allow you to edit and maintain your website with ease.
  • Make sure that they use original editable source files or not.
  • Let your future website designer know about your deadline and confirm whether they will be able to meet it.

Here are some facts you need to know:

1. The internet made it possible for many people to create their own online businesses. And among the hottest products and the information product is the easiest to sell. Everyone needs information, and people are willing to buy if they can solve their problems.

2. In addition to the information product, the software is part of the hottest products for sale. No wonder the richest man on the earth sells software!

3. In order for these types of products to sell well on the Internet, 3D virtual representations are needed to customers to see before buying them.

As a graphic designer, you can provide your service to these business owners by creating virtual covers for their some products. Examples of these covers are the eBook cover, software box cover, CD covers, e-zine, and newsletter cover blanket.

You can charge between 40 and 90 pounds for one design. Imagine how much money can you earn just by designing these covers?

Here is an idea of how you can add value to your service and load more:

Besides the design of the product cover, you can also design website header, footer, background image and control button.

A typical website selling an eBook has the following graphics:

Corresponding header graphic

Product coverage

Control button

Corresponding footer graphic

This is considered a complete project. You can load between 90 and 150 pounds for a project.

Who will be your client?

It’s obvious. Every marketer who sells information products owners can become your customers. Regardless of whether the products they offer are for sale or simply to give away, they will need virtual covers for the products.

How and where to find customers?

  • Promote your service on a classified site.
  • Promote your product through your email signature and forums.
  • Go to Google and search for “Internet Marketing Forum.” There you will find many product owners.
  • Promote your service at Google through the Google 

How to start?

Of course, as a new player, you will have to compete with other designers of product covers.  more sales.


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