MacBook Pro Display Issues: Common Problems to Look Out For

MacBook Pro Display Issues

22.6 million MacBooks were sold in 2020, an increase of 16.6% from 2019.

Apple has taken over the tech industry in the last decade, and it’s no surprise that more people are getting on board and buying MacBooks now than ever before.

Of course, no tech equipment comes without critiques, and the MacBook is no exception. Although it’s proven to be one of the safest and most durable computers, it does have flaws that can create glitches, leading a user to need technical help.

If you’re one such user and have MacBook Pro display issues, keep reading for the most common problems to look out for and some tips on solving them. 

MacBook Display Won’t Turn on 

One of the most common MacBook problems is a blue or black screen occurrence when you power your MacBook on. 

If your screen keeps going black, it is a sign that your computer had a problem with an app or login function and froze. To fix this issue, try restarting your Mac by holding the power button for six seconds.

Then, try to remove any apps that may be problematic or any login items that aren’t compatible with your hardware. If you aren’t sure what may be causing the problem, software like CleanMyMac can easily show you what you should get rid of. 

A Gray Screen With an Apple Logo Appears

A gray screen with an Apple logo indicates a software issue, rather than an app or login issue. 

First, try to manually restart your computer and open it in Safe mode. Safe mode is a stripped-down version of the Mac OS software, only opening the bare minimum extensions, and it disables anything extra that could be causing the problems. 

If any updates pop up, try downloading them immediately. This could be the cause and solve the problem.

If you recently downloaded new updates, you should research to see if there have been any issues reported with updates interacting with your Mac model. 

If there isn’t, stay in Safe mode and use the Disk Utility tool to find any software problems that could be causing this issue. 

Your External Monitor Won’t Connect

MacBook troubleshooting may seem tedious, but often, the answer is also obvious. If you think your external monitor won’t connect, before doing anything else, double-check that it is connected, turned on, and the brightness is turned up. 

It’s very easy for one simple cable to be pulled and unplugged without anyone noticing. Before panicking and trying a million different fixes, first do the obvious and make sure all wires and settings are where they are supposed to be. 

If this doesn’t work, double-check to make sure that your external monitor is compatible with Mac. Most are, but if it isn’t, there isn’t much you can do to get it to connect. 

You should also check your settings to make sure the adjustments have been made for your Mac to connect to the external monitor. 

Go to your System Preferences and choose Displays. Click Gather Windows, and adjust the brightness and color options for your external monitor. 

Then, you can test the resolution settings to see if this is the problem or get rid of anything that might make it worse. There are also the Overscan and Underscan sliders that can adjust the picture size to more properly fix your external monitor’s display. 

If your external monitor is still not connecting, try restarting your Mac while your external monitor is connected to the port. Keep your external monitor connected, but unplug your Mac from the outlet and leave it unplugged for at least 5 seconds.

Then, plug it back in and turn it back on. If all goes well, you should also see your external monitor turning on.

The Screen Is Flickering

If your MacBook seems to keep dimming or you notice the resolution keeps coming and going, your MacBook screen is likely flickering. 

If this occurs, the first thing to check for is any physical damage. If you have a crack in your screen, it could cause the monitor to flicker, which would require a professional fix or a replacement screen.

If the screen has no physical damage, try resetting your computer’s PRAM/NVRAM. You should also check for any updates that you may be behind on, as glitches like flickering often occur with outdated software. 

Both Firefox and Chromium are known to cause flickering in Macs, so if you use them, try uninstalling them and see if the issue persists. 

If none of that works, try to enter Safe mode and see if you can find an app that may be causing the flickering issue. You can start by using basic apps, such as e-mail and a web browser. 

If the screen isn’t flickering, incorporate other apps one by one and see when the issue arises to isolate it and uninstall it. 

MacBook Pro Display Issues Resolved 

Now you know exactly how to fix a MacBook and any MacBook Pro display issues that may occur. Hopefully, if you have these issues in the future, you’ll be less panicked and more prepared to solve the problems.

If you do continue to have trouble with your Mac, consider sending it to professional tech support that can do it for you. This could save you time and end up saving your Mac, too.

If you’d like more tech content like this, we have tons of articles for you to check out, so what are you waiting for? 



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