Old School SEO Strategies That Still Work – The Basics

SEO services

The use and facilities of the internet is affordable almost to every living soul on this planet even to astronauts in space. I therefore consider it almost a sin for businesses not to take advantage of it to grow their businesses and increase their ROI (Return On Investment). Whether it’s for marketing promotions or simply for a product or service, there’s no shortage of options available for a business to choose from. The issue that is often faced by those who want to market their business, however, is that they’re not sure where to start. The reality is that unless you’re already well-versed in all the top SEO techniques, there’s no way you’re going to get started.

Do You Have To Spend A lot Of Money On SEO?

It’s not uncommon for people to spend literally thousands of dollars on SEO and still struggle to see results. Many business owners and new Internet marketers think that because they’re paying for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), they should expect to see results overnight. In reality, optimizing your site and trying to rank for top search terms is a slow process. What is common is that many people think that once they spend thousands of dollars on optimizing, they’re automatically set. However, that’s not the case. For as long as they continue to pay for optimization, they’ll receive whatever results they receive.

Good News For Business Owners

The good news for most business owners is that it can be done. It does take time to get good rankings on the search engines, but once you’re ranking for terms that get people looking at your site, it doesn’t take that long to get more visitors returning.

The Top SEO techniques that get results aren’t just technical. They’re about making sure that your site is well-structured and informative enough to persuade people to return. Good content will be rewarded by the search engines. If you don’t have it, you can’t spend money on it.

The first step is to make sure that you have a site that is user-friendly. Use text based forms for customer reviews and testimonials. Make sure that people can easily and correctly review you on the main page of your site. If you’re not sure about some aspect of your site, ask someone who is an SEO expert to have a look and make suggestions as to how to improve should in case some issues are found.

You also need to make sure that your site is properly identified. If you have a business that serves a local community, make sure that the business name and address are displayed on every page. Your phone number should also be on every page. If you have a company that can be found on the Internet, then don’t forget to include it on every page. These techniques will not only get your site noticed by the search engines, but will also get people to know your brand and probably will be linking to you. This is important because it shows your legitimacy and authority.

These Old School Search Engine Optimization Techniques Still Work

There are certain old-school techniques that will help your website move up in the rankings. The first one is by making sure that your site has content that is relevant to the keyword that you want to rank for. 

Alt Tags For Images

This is an obligatory thing to do. Make sure all the images on your pages have alt tags that reflect in a way to showcase the keywords you intend the page to rank for.

Link Building

Although the methods have changed over the years thanks to Google Penguin update, link building was, still and will be one of the most important ranking factors. Make sure that as you build links, you abide by the rules and never use black hat linking strategies because they can get you in trouble with the search engines. If you are not sure, there are search engine optimization companies near you who can help with your link building efforts. Links pointing to your website must come from pages of relevant topics.

These techniques are more about your company or site’s image. News spread like wild fires on the internet. If you have a bad reputation, then it will not be long before the whole world knows about it and your business may be in jeopardy.

Link Placement

Before the Penguin update, people just built links anyhow. The old school technique of including links in the body of the article or blog posts is still very valid. Therefore, while building links, aside from making sure that the content is relevant to your website, also make sure the link looks natural. Write for your audience not for search engines.


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